Walgreens Stores and Pharmacy have different opening and closing times. There are also some stores that are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can find out the opening hours on the website or call a customer service. Also you can check out Holiday Hours

Open - Close Hours of Walgreens

Working hours may start at 7 a.m. and the store may close late at night. The store generally works with these hours:

  • Time: 8AM - 10PM
  • Time: 8AM - 11PM
  • Time: 9AM - 9PM
  • Time: 7AM - 12AM
  • Time: 24/7 (Pharmacy closed 1:30-2am for meal break)

Important: You may use the special page to find out the exact time today.

  1. Go to www.walgreens.com
  2. Go to «Select Store». Then you can use your location for nearest store or enter one of the search options in the special field:
    • City
    • State
    • Zip Code
  3. A list of stores with addresses and working shedule will open. Click on the necessary one and get more detailed information, including lunch break.

If you know the address of the store, you can call an operator at 1-800-925-4733 to verify opening hours.